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  • Pupil Voice

    What is Pupil Voice and why is it important?

    Pupil Voice at St Martin's Primary School is a whole-school commitment to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all the children. It places value on what our children tell school staff about their experiences.  The pupils can offer a unique perspective on what it is like to be a pupil at our school; involving them in decision-making can create meaningful change and better academic outcomes, as well as facilitating a sense of empowerment and inclusion.

    Pupils need to be provided with opportunities to share their experiences, views and hopes about school. Pupils need to know that it is safe and that it is important for them to express their views on what happens at school. They need to know that what they say is valued and will be listened to and considered.

    We endeavour to give all our children lots of opportunities to share their thoughts and opinions and play an active role in the decisions that affect their learning and well-being.

    We believe that everyone’s voice should be heard which is why we have established various groups within school. We also want to provide opportunities for our pupils to develop their leadership skills, be confident and work collaboratively with the teaching teams within school.

    St Martin's Pupil Voice

    St Martin's Primary School creates regular opportunities for our pupils to share their views with each other and school staff.

    • School Council
    • Pupil Forum
    • Pupil check-ins every 6 weeks
    • Rights Squad
    • Presentations in assemblies
    • Class comment boxes
    • Kagan teambuilding and classbuilding activities

    Meet our School Council

    Years 1 to 6 visit our Polling Station and vote for the person who they would like to be their class representative after hearing speeches from each candidate.