The purpose of the Board is to help to ensure that the educational experience of all the children and young people attending our school is as positive as it can be, and to help our school to support learners to achieve the best outcomes they can so they can progress positively onto the next stage of their life. Consequently, it is important that all governors have great interpersonal and communication skills, are curious about how our school works and the decisions that leaders take and, most importantly, are open to learning and developing new governance skills themselves.
Governors are expected to help the Board make strategic decisions that are in the best interests of all learners and staff. The ability to remain objective and impartial is important in this role.
Governors are expected to attend three formal meetings each year. They are held in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. Preparation for meetings will include reading and familiarisation with board papers. Governors receive training to complete their role effectively. Attendance at some is mandatory - for example, induction and safeguarding training. Other training will be optional, and it will be for the Board to decide which governors should attend which voluntary training. The expectation is that, over time, individual governors will build up knowledge across specialist areas. All governors are required to maintain confidentiality about the information they receive in their governance role.